Q: What’s the biggest problem with political jokes?

The Spa Club will hold its regular monthly meeting, Tuesday, November 8th at 6pm at the Garland County Department of Emergency Management, 401 Mid America Blvd at 18:00 hrs (Local Time). All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

A: Too many of them get elected.

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Fall Out

The Spa Club will hold its regular monthly meeting, Tuesday, October 11th at 6pm at the Garland County Department of Emergency Management, 401 Mid America Blvd at 18:00 hrs (Local Time). All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

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Who Turned Off the Lights?

The Spa Club will hold its regular monthly meeting, Tuesday, September 13th at 6pm at the Garland County Department of Emergency Management, 401 Mid America Blvd at 18:00 hrs (Local Time). All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

Our program will be by SARA President Bob King, W5LVB. Bob will be speaking about the preparations for the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse that Arkansas will be experiencing. The focus will be on what we can expect in our area and Arkansas in general and how Amateur radio can/will play a significant and valuable role during this event.

Bob is the Deputy Director for Emergency Management in Garland County and is currently the President of the Arkansas Emergency Management Association. He also sits on several communications committees in the State, is a Certified/Credentialed COM-L in the State of Arkansas and will be a part of the communications planning process leading up to the 2024 event.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!

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Back in Business

Big thanks to Wayne (WA5LUY) and his helpers KG5QYM, W5LVB, and W5TCB for getting the 147.18 repeater back on the air!

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The Spa Club will hold its regular monthly meeting, Tuesday, August 9th at 6pm at the Garland County Department of Emergency Management, 401 Mid America Blvd at 18:00 hrs (Local Time). All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

Our guest speaker will be Bruce Plantz – K9OZ from Little Rock.

Bruce is active in the Summits On the Air Program with 215+ activations and over 45 summits activated here in Arkansas.

Bruce has been giving presentations to area clubs on SOTA in Arkansas. His presentation is designed to take the mystery out of SOTA and give people an idea of the summits in their area and what it would take to activate them. He has presented to CAREN in Little Rock, the STARS group in Benton and the Faulkner County club in Conway. We are pleased to welcome him to Hot Springs and the SPA Amateur Radio Association.

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YEP! Still HOT! Step Inside For A Break!

The Spa Club will hold its July meeting TOMORROW NIGHT, July 12 at 6pm.

We will discuss our recent Field Day operations and possible future events/programs/training.

Garland County Department of Emergency Management – 401 Mid America Blvd. – 18:00

All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

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2022 Field Day

ARRL Field Day is the single most popular Amateur Radio on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada.

On the fourth FULL weekend of June of each year, more than 35,000 radio amateurs (HAMS) gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

It is a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles. While some will treat it as a contest, other groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the organizations that Amateur Radio might serve in an emergency, as well as the general public.

SPA Amateur Radio Association will be participating in Field Day 2022 from the Garland County Department of Emergency Management, 401 Mid America Blvd. If you will be in the Hot Springs area, join us! We’re planning a multi-transmitter setup on HF with opportunities for visitors to Get On The Air.

Operating hours will be Saturday, June 25th from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. (approximately).

TALK-IN Frequency will be the W5LVB Repeater, 146.880(-) 114.8 CTCSS.

Setup will begin around 08:00. We will be utilizing the Garland County Emergency Communications Trailer, Inflatable Mast and other provided personal equipment. We will have at least (2) operating HF voice stations, as well as an FT-8 Digital station.

We have invited ALL Local Government officials, as well as the local media. Looking forward to a great event. Hope to see you there!

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The Final Countdown

The Spa club will hold its June club meeting on June 14 at 6pm. We are in the final countdown to Field Day and will be discussing related information.

June 14, 2022
Garland County Department of Emergency Management
401 Mid America Blvd.
18:00 hrs

All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Notice anything unusual about this antenna? The 147.180 repeater will be out of service until further notice due to apparent lightning damage to the antenna, repeater, and controller. Updated information will be provided when available.

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‘Twas the Month Before Field Day

The Spa club will hold its May club meeting on May 10 at 6pm. It is time to get stirring on our preps for Field Day. With the solar index increasing, some may even be having visions of rare DX. Regardless, it is time to spring into action and get prepared!

May 10, 2022
Garland County Department of Emergency Management
401 Mid America Blvd.
18:00 hrs

All are welcome regardless of license or club status.

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